Monday 28 December 2009

Polar Bears, Arctic Wolf etc at Toronto Zoo

We visited Toronto Zoo today. The weather is better than last Saturday because it was not raining, but it's too cold. Good thing, we were wearing winter clothes esp. the kids. We rented a stroller for the kids so they will not get tired in walking. The zoo is in an open space but there are some enclosed pavilions where we stayed most of the time. The kids loved the Orangutans, the Lion, the Polar Bears which we saw up close, as in only the glass window separate us. We were too excited we forgot to take videos while these animals are staring at us and when the Lion was yawning. We also loved the Great Reef barrier where we saw jelly fishes, sea horses, fishes that the kids recognized from the Nemo movie. We also liked the birds and their unusual sounds esp the cockatoo. There are some animals that we were not able to see like the more common zoo animals e.g. Giraffe, Elephant because of the weather but we chanced upon zebras, lions, tigers (Sumatran and Siberian), otter, the arctic animals and many others I forgot their names. The most notable ones are the Polar Bears, Red Panda and Kangaroo which looked like stuffed toys you want to hug them. We were able to visit most of the zoo's attractions except for the Canadian Domain which is in the far end and the Discovery zone which is closed for the season. I think the best time to visit the zoo is during summer so the kids can have animal rides (camel, horses) and try the Splash rides (wet slides).

Irvin and Faye with the kids

Polar Bears

Up close and Personal

Arctic Wolf and me

Angry Miggy or Angry tiger?

In a nutshell, we enjoyed our visit to the zoo even if the snow is falling in our faces. Brrr! It was too cold but the heated restaurant where we took our lunch and the Pavilions kept us warm when we were inside. The zoo closed at 4:30 pm but I think we were still in the Eurasia by that time. It was dark when we stepped out of the washroom and out the zoo. I guess we were the last visitors to leave the place. Good thing, our bus never left us. It was tiring but fun day...and also brrr!

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