Sunday 22 April 2007

Weekend at La Marea

To test and practice Aloy if he has not forgotten his lessons, we went swimming at La Marea. Of course, the whole family was there. This is Achilles second time to be in a pool. We were very excited and since it was near our place we were there in a few minutes. The place is not for public use, only the La Marea residents and guests of residents can use the La Marea Club facilities. We thank Jom for sponsoring us. The weather was not too hot and there were only a few people there mostly kids, so we enjoyed our swimming. Aloy has found new friends – Diego and Matthew who was also having swimming lessons there. We had the whole gazebo to ourselves so picnic was fun. Before we went home, we had tripping at the new phase the La Marea Gardens and Trails. We had fun viewing the latest model houses. Aloysius kept on telling us that he wanted to live there! With the kind of community and the feeling that you’re really close to nature, how I secretly wished that too. Of course, Aloy is only after the swimming pool, playground and his new found friends. We went home before lunch.

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