Monday 18 January 2010

Tips in developing a career

The terms job and career are often used interchangeably, but there are real differences between the two. A job is usually a means to an end - you have bills to pay, so you need a job to make money. A career on the other hand, is something longer term that you build throughout your life, something you are passionate about. I remember one interviewee during my corporate life when he said that "I want a job that will make me stay and work at it even without compensation." He meant career alright but how do you develop a career. Here are some tips I learned from my my previous bosses, I hope it works for me soon:

1. Networking is the easiest way to find a career. Networking with professionals is the best way to find new leads in the industry of your choice. Fellow professionals can provide you with advice on how to best navigate your career and achieve your goals. Don't be afraid to ask them how they got started and what steps they took to get where they are.

2. Use your resume as your advertising medium. Your resume is speaking on your behalf and quickly needs to highlight your experience and skills. First impressions are critical, whether face-to-face or in a resume, so know what your brand is selling. Failure to sell your resume and brand will typically be a deciding factor as to whether you get an interview.

3. Know your strengths and start your career from them. Make a detailed career assessment to determine where you are now, what skills you have to offer and the areas you should focus your career sights on.

Goodluck on our career-hunting.


Anonymous said...

Good Post! Very informative, glad that you are going to continue writing things like this!


Glenn said...

wala ba tips para sa panliligaw? joke.. ^^.

Good Day