Saturday 8 November 2008

Academic Achievement for Miggy

I’m so happy today after finding out that Miggy is Top 2 in his class and No. 5 in overall Grade 1 that I treated him for a day out in the mall. He had his favorite pizza, had a tour at Toy Kingdom to get the toy of his choice (glad he found a value for money one hehe) and enjoyed the party he attended with Kyle. I had the chance to talk to his teacher and she said that he only needs to participate more in recitation to get to the top. According to Teacher Joy, he was inhibited and only answers when called. Just the same, she congratulated me because Aloysius has improved a lot in his tests and exercises (he got 3 perfect scores out of 7 subjects). His awards for this quarter included Best in English and Best in MAPE.

I’m proud to post his report and achievement cards here:

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