Monday 16 August 2010

Nawies in Toronto

W@W and N@W - I have been a member of this egroup for a long time, since the day I planned my wedding (1st gen W@wie circa 1999) until now that my kids are growing. I have made friends with brides to be, new wives and new moms from all over the world. Even if we don't see each other and just exchange tales over email, chat and plurk, I feel a sense of belonging and bonding with these women. I love them all. Thanks to Benz and John for putting up this egroup. We all learn from each other's ideas, problems, rants and supplier ratings (yes, we all love parties!) We also love to shop especially those on Sale! I have met some of them back in 2005 and I'm glad I have found another N@wie here in Canada - Issa. I was surprised to find out that Issa and Faye used to share w@w moments while preparing for their wedding. They both got married in October 2005. We finally met last Sunday after sharing tips on migrating and moving to a new country. How I wish we could be neighbors in the future because our kids bonded as soon as they share toys and play WII. I know this is only the start of our real friendship (not only online) and God has a reason why they brought us together here. Issa, Nico and Miguel - Here's to online friendship and beyond, Cheers!

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